Monday, April 27, 2020

In order for the use of herbs to produce effective treatments, here are the instructions for their use:

  1. Wash the medicinal herbs (herbs) with running water until clean.
  2. Immediately use fresh herbs that have been cleansed for treatment. if the material is large or thick, it should be thinly sliced so that when boiling the substances contained in it easily come out and seep in the cooking water. For herbs to be stored, dry them first after washing to make them last longer and prevent spoilage by bacteria and fungi. dry matter (simplicia) is also more easily mashed to be used as a powder (powder). drying can be direct in the sun or using other tools.
  3. Continued


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TREATMENT BENALU TEH (Loranthus parasiticus)

PART USED Whole Plants EFFICACY Increase stamina, treat cancer, cysts, tumors, tonsillitis, and rheumatism


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